Sweetbriar Playground News

Hi neighbors,

At our previous board meeting, we asked for volunteers to form a playground committee that would be tasked with the responsibility of coming up with proposals on the future of our neighborhood tot lot playgrounds. At the time, the board felt that the state of the Phase 1 playground at the entrance of our development was in a deteriorating state and was beginning to be an unsafe place for children.

As a result of the committee’s research, estimates, and proposals, we would like to announce the following plans:

  • Relocation of climbing equipment from Phase 1 back to Phase 3, including the replacement of any material which is rotted or deteriorating
  • Removal of all other material in Phase 1 lot, grading of existing dirt, and establishment of grass seed

We feel that this move will result in a safer playground that has less maintenance costs and increased activity due to it’s location.

Over the past few months, we had two separate contractors (including a playground specialist from Country Structures) come out to inspect the equipment; both contractors said the equipment is structurally sound.

Work on the above will commence in Fall 2018.

Thank you,

The Board